My mom likes to think that Stortz Tools is a joke when it comes to off days, as in, she thinks we take off whenever we please and only work half the year. That’s not exactly the case. It’s more along the lines that we have flexibilty when life events come up, and we can take off. I didn’t take a vacation all year and this is the first week where I’ve been off more than 3 days in a row (and we even did work on Monday). That being said, it’s odd to be off on week days.

Yesterday the men in the family played golf early (dropped a 12 on a hole, first double digit of the season). Then went to the beach for a few hours. I went for a run after. Then we all went out for dinner and called it a night watching TV. It was easy. No work. No stress. I could get used to this…unfortunately it will be fleeting.

Many people live like this more often than I probably imagine. If I did this more often, I’d be tweeting 20 times a day and producing 3 blog posts all while learning many extracuricualr activities. This is because when you don’t have any schedule or demands, you feel the need to interact with society to prove your worth. The more people tweet, it should be noted that it’s either their job, or they have nothing to do.

It would be, stay with me here, fun, to do this every day. That’s why my goal is to make millions of dollars and do this every day. It’s the realization that most likely that point will never present itself unless a freak event occurs.