I imagine this won’t last long, so read while you can.

We Have Ourselves a First World….

What’s The Problem Here?

I read these tweets this morning and shook my head at the donation at the end. I know nothing about the person tweeting this. This person though is an undesirable hire for any employer and not cut out for this world. It’s not her fault she believes that everyone should be equal and the world is a happy place.

Here’s my world view from today’s perspective. We live on the Earth in a massive solar system. After thousands of Earth years of practice, people have come up with societal systems to be most productive, harmonized, and just. The United State practices Capitalism. This is a system where the harder you work, the more money you get paid, the better your life can be. It’s produced what some recognize as the “best” system out there. There are countless other countries who have systems that they use to varying degrees.

To start this woman’s rant with America’s “work yourself to death or you don’t deserve to live” rhetoric…you don’t have to be here. It would be a tremendous idea to gather up all the people who have a problem with this and export them to their own Lord of the Flies world. That way they can see how far they get with their “work themselves to death” philosophy. Do you think Tom Hanks thought he should be given fish in Castaway?

People like this woman are the problem, not the solution. They spout White privilege and uneven playing fields when they’re the ones who allow it to exist. I’m not in favor of harsh systems for inept people, but they should be transferred. I’m honestly not sure if it’s inhumane to make someone leave to see what it’s like somewhere else. If I was the President, I’d enact a removal phase for violaters and transport them to random areas of the planet with a minimal stay of 3 months. See how they like other areas before complaining.