As much as staying indoors and social distancing sucks, I am finding 3 benefits. 1) Amount of money I’m spending on alcohol. 2) Amount of miles I run per month. 3) Amount of money gambling. The numbers:

Alcohol Spend

Average Monthly Alcohol Spend - $717
April Alcohol Spend - $141

Total Monthly Alcoholic Drinks - 134
Total Drinks in April - 52

I’m saving roughly $575 dollars a month not spending money at the bar. So instead of saving it, I’ve been spending it on accessories and utilities like a mattress, new comforter, golf clubs, and upcoming new washer and dryer. This can be looked at as a positive as I have possessions instead of a damaged liver.


I ran 125 miles last month. Over the past 15 months, I average 74 miles per month. My prior high was 105 back in May of last year. When I was in my twenties, I would go on 10+ mile runs. In my 30’s I stopped doing that, but I’m nearing that point again for lack of other activities. It requires less drinking to do so, which is an obvious positive correlation to the amount of miles. Do I feel better? I feel much better from not drinking, and slightly better being in improved shape.


There is nothing to gamble on. I lost 0 dollars sports betting and lost $90 this month playing a few poker tournaments. Last year, I averaged losing $360 dollars a month by sports betting, Draftkings, and casinos. Quarantine is keeping more money in my pocket. Another positive.


For me, quarantine is keeping me healthier due to the lack of alcohol. It’s not my ideal life though as I find myself suffering a mental monotony which makes human beings lack creativity. I also feel that Big Brother is becoming more prevalent and militia rule is not far behind. What once made America great is being threatened by a virus that is potentially being used to destroy an electoral campaign. It’s too hard for me to not believe that the virus and campaign are not related. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think the virus wasn’t meant to bring down Trump while Jeff Bezos laughs all the way to the bank.