I go to Istock where I have 256 pictures remaining in the subscription Stortz Tools has been paying for 10 years and pick a Christmas image to go along with the post. I’ve already done the gym because without work, how is there not time? I’ll clean up the apartment and do laundry because the same reason, how is there not time? I wanted to continue reading the Idiot, but I’m actually running out of time while I’m writing this. Then I’ll go into work and pay the taxman our year end estimates because they deserve to get paid before you do. Until you’re a business owner, you won’t understand the disdain for the taxman. Then JC has this hankering for a Jewish deli corned beef special, so I’ll run to NorthWales and get Pumpernicks. He really wanted 4th Street Deli but it’s a pain in the ass to deal with it so I talked him out of it. Either way, acquiescing to a need from a parent just makes sense on Christmas. Then the family will play some board games and maybe watch a movie. Christmas is the following day and there is football on. I’m on a horrific downswing after being on an equally non-horrific upswing. The pendulum arcs. I had a profitable year locked up until I made a “bad” bet last week and followed it up with some terrible betting this past week. Oh well. The world keeps turning. Just wanted to put a post out there to keep the readers aware I’m still alive.

Pumpernicks is the only restaurant I’ll leave the city for. JC choose wisely. Happy, healthy, and safe holidays to the Stortz fam! Buy GME, TA’s indicating a repeat?