I’m going to do a better job this year of following through with these. I’m GUARANTEEING a 75% completion rate.
- Go to a real hair stylist (not SuperCuts) and get a swag haircut.
- Do four interviews for the blog.
- Take a one week break from social media.
- Volunteer… TWICE.
- Do a full wardrobe purge (of the ugly / bad things) and restock.
- Frame & hang the Carl Sagan poster I bought 5 months ago.
- Try a John’s Roast Pork cheesesteak, I’ve heard enough about how good they are, it’s time to try it.
- Reach a 1400 rating in chess.
- Stretch before bed every night (that I’m not blacked out).
- Do core twice a week.
- Get 8+ hours of sleep at least half the nights of the week (FitBit has showed me how rare this actually is).
- Practice mindfulness. I’m not even sure what I mean here.
- Try floating (mindfulness!).
- Go to the dentist (for the first time in four years).
- Go to an event at the Kimmel Center.
- Actually attempt the 100 miles / 100 beers in a week.
- RUN. 2000. MILES.
- PR. IN. THE. 5K.
- BOWL. A. 300.
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