Would I Actually Vote For Trump??

Would I Actually Vote For Trump??

Click bait title! Two political posts in a row! What can I say, it’s pretty captivating at the moment. This is a little ramble-y, but feels relevant. In my last post about Biden’s age I wrote that I couldn’t see myself voting for Trump despite Biden...
The Biden Age Post

The Biden Age Post

With the assassination attempt on Trump yesterday, this post feels less relevant now than it would have 24 hours ago. But the story of Biden’s age, will he drop out, will other democrats speak out against him, etc. has been absolutely fascinating to me for the...
Thoughts From a Fantastic Wedding Day

Thoughts From a Fantastic Wedding Day

This past Friday, June 21st of 2024, Meghan and I got married. I know some people thought it would never happen. That I couldn’t do it. That you have to have a certain level of intelligence, looks, maturity, and general ability to pull something like this off....
BP Oil Spill Recap

BP Oil Spill Recap

I wrote about 500 words of a bachelor party recap post and wasn’t even to the good parts before deciding that it was too long and too boring to literally type out what happened sequence by sequence. So we’re going bullet points for the full weekend baby in...
The Dreaded Work Commute

The Dreaded Work Commute

For the last six years, my typical work day has been this: 7:00am – 7:15am – ALARM. Pet the cats then get dressed. 7:15am – 7:30am – Eat a banana with peanut butter and scroll my phone. 7:30am – 7:45am – Bike to work. 7:45am –...