Not Dave would be proud of my clickbait title. Unfortunately, it is the truth.
Outside of that truth is that I made 25k in UAVS over the past 3 days . Today is the pullback. I share this with you so that if this stock makes me a millionaire, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

I’m a Loser
My results of losing speak for themselves. When I was in my early 20’s I invested 40k in 3 funds after reading “the smartest investment book you’ll ever read”, lost 50% during the crash, sold, and then watched in horror during the rebound. In 2018 and 2019, I lost $2,800 & $1,650 playing Draftkings. I routinely lose money sports betting. I know how to lose.

That being said, all it takes is one lucky play and it erases all the losing. I bought 1,000 shares of UAVS @ 1.36 on 4/30/20. I can’t remember where I got the information that this was a stock to look at. Something about drones and Amazon. I kept adding on to the position slowly as I watched it moved. Then this week, the stock shot from 3 to 8.
I share this not to gloat. I share this to show dumb luck. Stortz Tools did more in revenue than UAVS did this year. Yet I know for a fact that the market cap of Stortz Tools isn’t $200 million. However, Stortz Tools also isn’t inline to deliver packages by drones for Amazon. So I write this with cautious advice that this stock is as risky as they come. However, I can’t maintain a blog and not give a potential winner to my the audience. I personally will not be exiting the position and will look to buy more if it drops below 5. Tell me that this doesn’t look like the future?

Calling this post for what it is: Classic pump and dump, right here, folks.
I also enjoyed your disclaimer; qualify yourself as a bona fide loser, then slap a buy rating on it and sell tickets to the moon… But if it goes tits up, you can always say I told you so.
I live for this type of due diligence. Love it! I’m in! ?
Some say true gamblers don’t actually want to win, the high comes from the loss.