I’ve dreamt about Impulse by An Endless Sporadic on Guitar Hero III THREE times in the past week.

The first time, Tom and Millie Bobby Brown were going to the super market and I wanted to practice to impress her when they came back, but I kind of sucked.

The second time, I was joking with Bud about how good I was. He played the song first then I followed and I sucked, I didn’t match his score.

Then last night, I don’t have as vivid of a memory, but something about Impulse happened.

What the hell is going? I can’t shake this song. It’s lodged in my brain and I haven’t listened to it in probably 5+ years.

It haunted me as one of those “I should have gotten 100% on this by now but haven’t done it yet“, and then I stopped playing for good without ever getting it.

Maybe this is my brain’s way of getting me back into Guitar Hero. It recognizes I’m wasting so much time anyway in this quarantine that I should get back on the ax and settle this unfinished business.

Who knows.

Here’s the song. I missed on the fast part around 2:31 which actually isn’t the hard part. I kept playing and FC’d the actual hard part (the ‘psychotic breakdown’) which starts at 2:51 for a -4. Was pissed.