The Sun Sets in the West
This photo was shot at the Bar N Ranch in Montana. The sun was setting at 10:39pm and I was 17 beers deep. Aside from dabbling in Photoshop, I know nothing about photography Jon Snow. However, sometimes the horses align with the sun and the picture shoots itself. I’m not sure why the front horse’s eyeball is missing. Freaking Galaxy.
Fortunately for the dozens (and dozens) *in the Rock voice* of readers, I am back from a trip out west fully refreshed and ready to get back on the blogging bronco. I have stories of horse hostility, stallion stampedes, and flatulent fillies. The west truly does change a man into using alliterations. Now that I’ve rafted rapids, hiked hills, and pedaled paths, I’m here to write about the experience. I also know Bud & Bill don’t have Instagram so I’ll have to share some of the photos through the blog.

Just Not Yet
I started yesterday in Jackson, Wyoming leaving at noon and returning to Philly at 11pm with a connector in Chicago. I got up at 5:15am today to beat the traffic to the new building and it’s 8:15pm now which means I’ll be hitting the dusty trail shortly. I have 6 days of adventures that I want to post about because it was a unique experience (if unique means that you can also do it if you pony up 6 grand ((another horse pun, I’m on fire)). Some of these days allowed me the ability to stay in hotels that have 1 to 2 year wait lists in national parks which makes me feel that it was special, but on the other hand, millions of people see it every day. Let’s say it beats work.
This Idiot Has No Idea What He’s Doing

Taking Pictures with Other Idiots

Old Faithful Sucked

I Should Have Jumped (Gourlay will appreciate that humor)

I did not read it in The Rock’s voice:
I read that “Freaking Galaxy” as you knew the horse’s name… not referencing your phone brand. Also in a lighter comment, “sometimes the horses align with the sun and the picture shoots itself”, I wish you were like that picture.
The pictures look better in your blog than they do in real life! The one has the “purple mountain majesty” you hear in songs. As for “this idiot has no idea what he’s doing”, that should apply to your horse, not you. He was the one that was being a dick to everybody else and causing fights, all due to unrequited love.