“We’re destroying the world because we are, in a very literal and deliberate way, at war with it.
Do You See a Problem Here?

Bats can pass along viruses in their poop: If they drop feces onto a piece of fruit that a civet then eats, the civet can becomeĀ a disease carrier.
The Earth Fights Back
I recently read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn written back in 1992. The premise is that we have evolved into a culture of takers and have decided for ourselves (instead of the “gods”) what is considered right and wrong. This varies from how our ancestors lived off the land in harmony with the species around them. The chart below shows how homo sapiens (they go back at least 300,000 years) lived off the land as herders and gatherers with little population increase.

A dramatic shift occurred when agriculture was developed in 10,000 BC within the Fertile Crescent. For many thousands of years the population was steadily rising and in AD1 it hit 200 million. Within the past 2,000 years, there have been 7 billion people created and this is demonstrated by a taker mindset. Earth is ours and we will do whatever we please with it because we are meant to rule it. The issue is that maybe we aren’t so sure the proper way to rule it. Houston, we have a problem.
China is to Blame?
What is wrong here?

China has 0 cases. So they either solved the problem or they are lying. Considering their first case was discovered roughly 1/1/20, and the USA’s first case was roughly the end of January, they had a 30 day head start. The USA, a population of 350 million has 333,000 cases, and China, a population of 1 billion, has 81k. I’m not an expert here, but it smells fishy.
The USA wants its numbers to be as high as possible to blame China. China conversely wants its numbers to be as low as possible. Individuals do not matter to the people running the country no matter how much they tell you they do. This virus is here and not going anywhere for the time being and China is aware.

Humans brought this on their self and they are suffering the consequences. China shouldn’t be unsanitary and creating wild life markets. Plain and simple these are the negative effects of wrongdoing in nature. China decided they were right in eating bats, and clearly it is wrong. Lucky for us, the virus isn’t Captain Tripps in the Stand which wipes you out in 3 days. I have a feeling that this virus will be overcome as the numbers are still relatively minimal on a grand scale.
My question is that if I touch an ATM that another user touched who has the virus, will I be infected less than if I have someone with the virus coughs in my mouth? Once infected with the virus, do I have the full blown virus no matter what or is a smaller dose easier to extinguish? Once I get the virus, can I get it again? If there are answers to these questions because of proper testing, we should be able to be a society again because quarantining is negatively affecting life in more ways than what is evident currently. There will be a huge blow back economically and I’m not sure the world is ready for that. Get ready for war!

The Tiger King Should Be In Jail
I’m going to close with one final fucked up thought that has to do with the world that most people are not thinking about and it deals with Tiger King and how it relates to why humans deserve the Corona virus. What you should be saying is how are there more Tigers in captivity in the US than in the entire world? There are 5,000 tigers in captivity in the US and 3,800 in the wild. A century ago there were 100,000 in the wild. Now consider there were 1.6 billion people in 1900 and 7 billion now. Guess where the problem lies?
