Supposedly I’ll be receiving $1200 from the Donald.

I do not need this money.

I’ve read enough about the hard times people are going through and I understand that this $1200 is not meant for me – the government just doesn’t have a good way of knowing that.

I’m also not writing this to toot my own horn and say “Look at me! I’m so nice and want to give this money away!

But I genuinely want to donate this. To people who need it more than me.

How do I give this money away properly? I’m always wary of donating without knowledge because I’ve heard some organizations use it on ‘administrative costs’ or whatever which isn’t really what you’re going for.

So help me. What are the ‘best’ places to give money?

I could probably do the research myself – a quick Google search comes up with a dozen or so nonprofits helping out – but I’ll be lazy and defer to my blog readers first, in case they have inside info or know of smaller, local ones that could use it.