I make it a point to actively stay in touch with CK4 as we are life long friends. He invited me to play in his golf league and I obliged. It’s 9 holes and the lowest score on each hole wins the point. Our last outing was a bloodbath in our favor and I was looking forward to rekindling some magic.
We get started in a mist of controversy when CK4 goes to tap in his 3 inch putt, that wins the hole, and tips it a millimeter. The other team wasn’t taken the match that serious, but when CK4 and I were in the cart I said something along the lines of, “we both know what you got there.” He talked to them about it and we were up 1. I had a 7ft birdie putt on 2 that would have given us the hole and couldn’t come through. Chad drove the ball 10 yards on 3 and still made par to get us 2 up. That was the end of our winning as the other team was getting a few strokes and we weren’t winning holes. We were all square going to 9 and I drove the ball behind a tree. Their team put one on the green about 12 feet in 3 (2 with the stroke) and I was up. I hit a miracle low, draw that ran up to the hole to 7 feet. I missed the birdie putt, they missed, and we pushed the match. Fun times.

Ck4 and I have a very enjoyable friendship. We were teammates in intramural basketball for years where we were the best players and usually an above average team. Then we did our own journey in college and re-convened after when we lived at home back in Upper Dublin for a few years playing the free poker circuit at bars. Then we were roommates at Summit and Manayunk and we got along the entire time. Endless beer pong. Golfing every weekend. Mad River. Then you grow up.
He got married and we don’t see each other as often as we did, but our friendship never wavered. It’s neat because we don’t suffer from any bullshit. We share the same moral fibers and that supersedes every other part of life. Let me expand on this. Chad and I are both honest people. it sounds simple, but most people can’t even be honest with themselves, yet alone be honest with other people. We have mutual respect for each other because we’re hard workers and we both want to be the best we can from a financial sense. We know we can depend on each other which is another important characteristic. When he says golf starts at 4:30, I’m not chancing getting their later than 4:30. I’ll move around whatever I need to so that I stay true to what I say which is paramount in a friendship. Of course there’s leeway after 30 years of friendship, but this is built up over time. Once these principals are established, there’s not little aspects that will break through the bonds that we’ve created.
I write this post because friendships are keys to life that unlock different experiences. Life is long and stronger, better friendships equal more satisfaction in a relatively pointless existence. Our outlooks on life is another trademark of our friendship where we understand that time is more important than money. You tend to surround yourself with like minded people and I’m happy that Chad and I have been friends for 30 years. Here’s to another 30.
I could hear the big gulp at the end of this post.