We’re all bracing up for a few days (weeks? months?) of down time seeing as the country is quarantined.

I don’t know about you, but too much time isn’t a good thing. I believe it was Ol’ Drippy who once said “Idle hands spend time at the genitals” (I’m absolutely shocked that this was already on Youtube).

So what do we do with too much time?

It’s a bad sign that I’m already back on Diablo 2 with Ben making a Bliz Sorc named Robert Covington (which is going really well so far).

I floated the idea of writing a book. I have zero ambition or ideas for this, but figured it would be funny if I just took four hours one day and didn’t stop writing. Terrible idea.

In order to be at least a little bit productive, I’m making a quick hitting list of goals.

  • Finish my Led Zeppelin book (I’m 250 pages in after 7 weeks, 150 to go!)
  • Reach a 1500 on Chess.com (doesn’t mean sustain it)
  • Watch The GodFather and / or Schindler’s List
  • Learn the Major Scale
  • Do 300 push ups as fast as I can, then beat that
  • Post two cat videos on Instagram

Tell me what to do.