I hold conservative values. I believe in meritocracy, individual freedom, less government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. Liberals believe government action will achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. That’s asinine knowing how rigged and corrupt our government is fiscally (SBF, Ukraine), how inefficient they handle public works (construction on 95, PWD buys wedges from us at a 400% mark up over cost), and how they spend more time trying to get elected compared to the effort they put in once there. Plus, I watched democratic leadership turn Philly into a shithole that I’m scared to stay out past midnight. So why don’t I vote and am I communist?

A classless, communist society goes against natural selection. We’re not all born equal. However, we all deserve the same freedoms to achieve whatever the highest level an individual can achieve is. To let government control the people thinking that’s more effective is far off my beliefs because the government is in it for themselves. Steal from the people and hope they don’t notice the private jets. People who like the government don’t have any motivation to get more out of life and will generally vote communist / democratic. Save me government, for I have sinned! So that should explain that I’m not a communist. Let’s ask about why I don’t vote.

I don’t vote because I am part of the problem. The people who get by fine under the current condition don’t care much if it changes. Whatever leadership you throw at me, I’ll succeed. It’s selfish, but true, unless you want to throw me in jail for no reason…then you have my attention. Take away my freedoms and I’ll vote against you, but if you want to ruin our city, go for it, vote democrat. I don’t give a shit because I’ll move to Florida if it gets too bad. Everyone is leaving San Francisco. Total shithole. Same with Seattle, DC, Chicago, Philly, and New York. Dirty, unsafe, and a mass exodus is occurring. Good. I’m an American, but I can’t fix political corruption and stupidity. Cherelle Parker won by 139k votes. To think my voting could change that…
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