The seasons change and the weather turns cold. I’ve already switched to full time jeans mode and am preparing for full winter jacket. I have a similar post each year but I hate the cold. For an unknown reason, I have very poor circulation to my extremities. My hands tend to go white in any temperature in the 40’s and my feet go totally numb. This makes me need gloves if I’m outdoors and extra heavy socks. If I ever forget, or think it won’t be a big deal, I’m almost always wrong in the winter. I bought some battery operated socks which I’m curious to see if they work well or are uncomfortable.

We played golf throughout all the cold weekends last year and I expect to do more of the same. Last year the tee sheets were always booked even in the coldest of days, but I think this year will be better with Covid restrictions less stringent. I much prefer the nice weather for golf when the ball has a chance of stopping on the green instead of the need to roll on. One minor difference this season is bowling is open which it wasn’t last year so that should give some further options for the masses.

The other odd part about the season change is it being dark around 5pm. This has already changed my entire schedule because I don’t enjoy running in the cold weather so I go to the gym instead. I didn’t go at all during Covid last year so I’m looking forward to being able to exercise through the winter. Last year was a long run here or there in the cold and jump roping to stay in shape. I’ll be much fitter this year. I like to hit the gym at 4:30pm directly after work when it’s not crowded. This gets me back at 5:30 and it’s pitch black out. Right now it’s 6:16pm and it feels like I’m ready to get a good night’s rest. This takes a bit to get used to. Trying to be productive when it gets dark this early doesn’t work as well.
I didn’t have much to write about because I know people get sick of my points on political topics. It’s not that important to me, I swear. I only have viewpoints that I like to share because I can. I know my value system has gotten me this far in the life, and it’s proven in my mind, so maybe the readers enjoy my perspective from time to time. Sorry I didn’t finish the AstroWorld post, my time gets eaten up and once too much time passes, the story whizzes by. My next post will be on some money making ideas on the collapsing stock market. I shorted Rivian today fwiw.
Milwaukee makes a wide range of heated jackets, hats, gloves that are compatible (and rechargeable) with their batteries. Batteries you may have in the shop. Price point is kind of high, but people swear by them.