When the pandemic hit, COD was all the rage. I even wrote a love letter to COD a year ago about how it keeps people together.
But after a year+ of Warzone, it got stale. I no longer found joy in COD, and I haven’t played the game in a few months now.
While I don’t miss what COD became, I do miss having a game to turn to.
Currently, my two ‘fun‘ activities are chess and guitar.
Chess is great but requires a lot of thought and can be really frustrating.
Guitar is also great, but learning can be tedious and repetitive.

I need a game to play when I’m hungover on a Saturday morning; where I can just turn my brain off and have fun for an hour or two.
I had in mind something like Red Dead Redemption II, but I’ve been out of the loop for so long that I don’t know what’s good these day. It doesn’t have to be an RPG but that would be preferred. I think I want something single player. Skyrim? I honestly don’t even know what Skyrim is, but people talk about it alot. I’m not playing Minecraft.
So help me out. I have a PS4 and I need a game.
PacMan. Okay, so PacMan is 42 years old. But, it’s one of the first games that could actually be beaten. Back in the 1980’s I won a tee-shirt at a Florida arcade. On the flight down, I memorized the patterns and scored over 100,000 points. I think I still have the book if you want to borrow it.
It’s not a game, but I also learned how to solve Rubik’s Cube. It took me about 15 minutes using a series of formulas. But I was eating at Outback on Sunday when I saw a guy playing with one. I told him about my using the formulas to solve it. He proceeded to do so in about 10 seconds. If you want to impress people, do that.
COD but you don’t take it as seriously
Crash Bandicoot
Jason likes Bloodborne and both my sons are looking forward to Elden Ring on Friday.
Or get a computer and play Hades.