Philly Marathon weekend is here, and you know what that means, THE ROTHMAN 8K BABY!
I have raced the Rothman 8k four times:
- 2015 – 26:49 – 48th place
- 2016 – 27:48 – 53rd place
- 2021 – 28:07 – 58th place
- 2022 – 27:55 – 56th place
That is a tower of mediocrity. I target the Rothman 8k, and I fail, that is my style. Look no further than this post a year ago where I declared sub 27:00 as the goal, even hinting at PR possibilities, before flaming out and running 27:55. Devastating.

But I don’t loathe Rothman. In fact, I owe Rothman. Because without my massive failure last year, I wouldn’t have tried to find my coach. If I’d run 27:10 or something I’d have concluded that what I was doing was working.
Instead, I ran horribly and said this fucking sucks, I need to outsource this stuff. And without my current ‘coach’, I would never have attempted running as much as I am with as many workouts. 2023 has been a rebirth.
So I appreciate what Rothman has done for me. And you know what I owe it? An ASS WHOOPING.
In the year of our lord 2023 I am a NEW runner. Rothman doesn’t know what’s coming on Saturday. The last 10 weeks have been as good or better than the 10 weeks before Broad Street. I’ve averaged 65 miles a week and hit what I think was my best workout last week of 8 x 1k in 3:11 with 90 seconds rest.
This year, if everything goes as planned, I am declaring my goal as sub 26:00 and a top 30 finish. No nonsense.
Although it feels like the stakes are higher here because I’ve tried so hard, it actually doesn’t feel like as much pressure because the spring proved that I can do it. This is not make or break the way Broad Street this year was. So hopefully I have fun, run fast, and then it’s time to party. See y’all out there and good luck to everyone running!
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