I’m reading a book called the Laws of Human Nature and one idea is not to think you know every detail about why people behave the way they do. Today I saw two people wearing sunglasses at the gym. Unless they BOTH have cataracts, I think they are fucking idiots. I have a ways to go.
I had an opportunity to meet up with Jeff and Julia last night for a few drinks and shoot the shit. It was about 8pm and I opted to stay in after not getting in from San Antonio until 2am the night before. I wondered if this was the right decision because how often do these opportunities come up? Is going to sleep to feel better the next day an overwhelming favorite to hanging out with your brother and his wife to create a memory? My internal belief is it’s a 75% correct decision to go out and have fun. Life is short. On the other hand…

I woke up at 1:30am to catch the end of the LPGA tournament in Thailand where 25-1 Angel Yin held on against a charging Asian woMAN who shot a 61 final round. I went back to sleep, then woke up at 7am to go food shopping. I returned to catch 60-1 Jacques Kruyswijk finish off a bogey free final round for a W. That put me up about $1,400 on the day with another shot in Aldrich Potgeiter who I have at 60-1 this afternoon. To boot, I also ran 6 miles at 6:58 pace on 2.5 incline all before noon. That’s a hell of a start to a day.

If I went out last night, that day’s script would not be written like that. It would be, woke up at 9am hungover to see Akie Iwai beat my girl, then I’d miss getting groceries, and Kruyswijk would have lost to Parry. I wouldn’t have worked out. Could that be possible?
I’m a non-believer in jynxes. The world doesn’t care about you and me. However, when I was sitting at a bar in San Antonio I chatted up a 25 year old girl who works for Marriott. We were asking what each other did professionally and I told her about the business. She asked, do you think that was your destiny? I’d never thought of it like that before. My destiny. Was it my destiny for those tournaments to win the way they did this morning because I decided to stay in instead of drinking? Do bad events happen to good people? Vice versa? We don’t, and won’t, know.
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