There was a guy on Reddit I was going to reply to. The thread was “What’s the best way to tell your friend you don’t want to meet because you’re scared of Corona?”
I was going to reply directly to Peptuck that I disagree…then I thought better and decided to post on my blog.
2.5k people liked that it’s okay (who spells out ok?) to “Be honest…”. This I agree with. Everyone has their right to believe whatever they wish. Freedom of opinion is necessary. Now we hit Peptuck. 338 people agreed with his comment that you don’t want to be friends with people who don’t believe in the severity of Corona. Yuck. WooshingtonMonument rec’d -54 points for questioning cutting off your social life for the virus. He was chastised and shamed. I want to see the absolute data that proves Peptuck correct that would convince me otherwise and this is a challenge.
6.1 million cases out of a US population of 328. 2 million are infected with Covid-19. That’s 1.8% of the population. 3% of those infected have died. 3% of the 1.8% infected have died. Out of hundreds of millions. Those aren’t numbers that back up claims that this is going to kill us all. Could it get worse? I wouldn’t say yes or no. If infected cases were 5% of the population I think being worried / cautious is totally normal. If it was 25%, I’d be on high, high alert. If it’s 50%, don’t go outside. I don’t even want to go into the fact that there is 13k incentive to diagnose Covid and 39k if they are on a ventilator for the hospitals.
The fact that Peptuck received 338 points and the guy below receives negative points is unfair. It’s shaming. It’s the sign of a media manipulated person and the same for all the people who upvoted. There is no reason that WooshingtonMonument shouldn’t receive positive points and Petuck negative points.
I took the picture in the feature image and it deserves more than 2 upvotes. The only reason I started this post was because before I replied to Peptuck I checked into to his profile to see how much of a nerd he was and then before I did that I checked my own profile to make sure nothing could come back to haunt me and I came across this picture. So you could say that this entire post was dedicated to this picture and I could give two shits about Covid.
I would guess the downvotes are because of the way Wooshington phrased it as “the flu,” and not because people think that you should dump friends who aren’t on board with it (though in contrast, the Peptuck upvoters are in favor of dumping friends it seems). I think calling it the flu hits the spot because it diminishes it to just something that happens every year.