I went to the Sixers Wizards Game 5 last night. For the first time in over a year there was a full crowd. The place was ROCKIN’.
I must have forgotten how stupid fans are.
Call me a bad fan but I can’t genuinely react in outrage to something that’s blatantly the right call even though it doesn’t benefit my team. I cheer and yell when we score, and I boo when an opposing player is shooting or something, but I can’t suspend my belief as far as many of the other fans.
But that’s only half of the story.

The other side is even more egregious in my mind. With about a minute left in the game, the Sixers are up ~20. The entire crowd bursts into a “FUCK YOU WESTBROOK” chant.
I don’t get it. Am I wrong for NOT wanting to chant that? I have no problem whatsoever with Russell Westbrook. I was happy to boo him at the line or cheer when he messed up, but it just felt… wrong. He sat there with a sort of confused look on his face and put his hands up like “okay…“

It’s always been like this, at least I’m pretty sure it has. But I can’t be the only one who thinks like this.
If thinking like this is wrong, then I have some tickets to upcoming games that I should probably sell. Comment if you want them!!!
Too smart to be a Sixers fan! Go Mavs!
There are people who keep scorebooks at baseball games and never childishly taunt opposing players. Who is the “real” fan? The one cheering and recording the game or the one heckling the left-fielder for 9 innings?
It is not required to be obnoxious to be a sports fan – even at a live event. Good on you.
Starting a “Fuck You Brookes” chant to show I’m a true fan of the blog.
That is awesome! Most people don’t usually remember the “E”. Thanks Dav!