It’s been a long time since I’ve posted and it’s not for lack of desire. The past 6 weeks we’ve been preparing to move our business and we are finally situated in the new office. This required many days/weeks of palletizing our inventory, moving furniture, and coordinating the move. The good news it’s finally over. The bad new is I’m going away for a full week to Bozeman/Jackson and will not be posting for another week.

There are still many kinks to be worked out as I’m sitting here not reading the WSJ. This is a morning routine that I’ve gotten used to and the delivery not being early enough is an issue. We’re still in the process of adding and deleting services that are needed which is a bigger task than you may think if you don’t. Google still hasn’t updated the address to our new location which is also a headache. There are dozens of other small details that still need to be worked out such as porting over a fax machine #. Who would have thought to do that? This, combined with the seemingly endless June activities, have put a hurting on the blog posting.

4 Pheasant Run, Newtown, PA
Here are a few pictures of the new set up to give you an idea of what we’ve accomplished.

I’d be lying if it wasn’t sad to be leaving the building that your family has been in for 170 years, but, it was time to go. We’re in greener pastures now and I expect future success to happen quickly. For me though, I’ll be heading to the great wide open for a week and when I come back, I’m sure I’ll have a trip recap and a nostalgic post on 210 Vine St.
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