Order from Target: 1 x Max Douglas TV Stand.
Fedex: Sorry sir, we cannot deliver your Max Douglas TV Stand to your address because no one is there to receive it.
Me: Okay, you can send it to Stortz Tools, someone will be there to receive it.
Target: Okay, instead of redirecting the one that’s already in Philadelphia, we’re going to bring that one back to our warehouse and have a new one shipped out to Stortz Tools.
Me: Okay, that seems odd but whatever.
48 hours later I came home to a Max Douglas TV Stand on the front step of my apartment.

Then, a week later (today), I get ANOTHER Max Douglas TV Stand delivered to Stortz Tools.
So now I have two Max Douglas TV Stands. One assembled, and one still in the box. Target only charged me for one.
What do I do with this second stand? It cost $130 on Target’s website.
- Give it away to a loyal blog reader who needs it.
- Sell it on Facebook Marketplace (or some place else).
- Give it away via Facebook’s Buy Nothing Rittenhouse.
- Save it in the box in case I need it in the future.
- Somehow give it back to Target.
- Assemble it and have TWO Max Douglas TV Stands in my apartment.
I’m honestly torn. These are all good options (except option 5).
Does anyone need a cool TV stand?
Revive the dexter days of multiple living room TVs for maximum sports and vidya game consumption. Buy the same TV as well.