I’ve been going to Palm Tree Market for a breakfast sandwich since the start of the pandemic. It’s an Asian run establishment. I’m sure I’m racist for pointing that out. Properly, I have to say that it’s a human establishment, but it does add to the story if you understand specifically the situation instead of operating in this world where we are afraid to call it like it is. So, after coming in for a few weeks the human there asks me my name and I tell she/her it’s “Tom”. Sie tells me her name is “mel-(*inaudible*)”. I didn’t re-ask elle what zee name was because I didn’t think much of it. Unfortunately for me, I shopped at their business for that last 75 weeks and this lapse of not knowing her name is catching up with me as our relationship evolves.

Last week while waiting for my sandwich another woman was talking to Ms. Mel**** and I clearly heard her refer to the person I know as Melanie or Melody. So this puts me in the spot that after not addressing her by her name for a year in a half, do I want to take a stab at it and go with one of these two choices. I just don’t know how many people are named Melody that it HAS to be Melanie. Being wrong though would be a huge injustice to our relationship of innocuous conversation. Do you know how hard it is to converse for 3 minutes while I wait for a sandwich? Over the weeks, I know she likes to talk about the weather, she has a daughter who is in theatre, and she’s extremely cautious with Covid. You just can’t go a year and a half though, and not know the person’s name. I’d almost rather go not addressing her like I’ve been, than be wrong guessing her name. The good news is that they open at 7am, and I’ve been waking up a bit earlier, so I haven’t been shopping there as much. I’m not sure why more breakfast spots don’t open up earlier than 7.
Her name is obviously Mel Ching Chong.
Did you try searching LinkedIn for people who work there?
We will not tolerate this insensitivity! This is a safe space. No jokes allowed.
I will check LinkedIn. It’s funny how stalking these days is elevated to normal whereas calling someone a woman is where we draw the line.
Nate Hammitt writes in his google review: “Hands down the best place to go for a lunch sandwich on N 2nd St. Ellie, Jai, and the whole staff are super friendly and the food is always delicious.”.
So maybe caller her “Ellie” which I assume is a nickname for Melanie.
When Jerry Seinfeld guessed his new girlfriend’s name was “Mulva”, it didn’t end well. So, don’t guess.
Just send someone else in there to get a sandwich and have them ask her name.
You need to be with someone else who then introduces themself to her in front of you while you are chatting. Then you’ll have her name and if person C can’t understand thy can just ask her to repeat since they just met.
I’m electing Samuel.
That’s basically what I just said, except I’m suggesting Tom not even be there. Otherwise, she may suspect it’s a setup because Tom doesn’t know her name.
Good call jkash.
Tom you’re lucky to have readers as intelligent and resourceful as us.