This post morphed from a quick look at the career arc of a pornstar to an investigation of Mindgeek, the owner of all porn people watch. Mindgeek owns Pornhub, RedTube, YouPorn, as well as Brazzers, DigitalPlayground, RealityKings, etc. I was surprised to see it only did $460 million in revenue in 2020. Considering how many scenes Brazzers releases, you’d think these guys would be doing billions. I know they dabble in crypto as payments so this # is probably WAY off.

Loads of Data
An employee working @ Mindgeek:
“I got valuable experience dealing with huge loads of data.”
I subscribed to Brazzers a decade ago and downloaded as many scenes as possible that month knowing that I was going to unsubscribe. Who wants a recurring monthly payment from Epoch? Whoops. Some wife just got insider info on the credit card bill. Anyway, my original post was actually about how the pornstar maintains popularity as it’s a descending slope which most likely ends in a crash.

Pornstars start off looking like Elisha Cuthbert from the Girl Next Door, except for Riley Reid who is still seemingly a teen in her 30’s, and end looking like Shelly Duvall at the end of the Shining. In that industry, how can someone in their young 20’s be expected to understand a business where they sell their body for a profit, have any understanding of their worth, and not leave mentally damaged? My guess is most go through the school of hard knocks and leave with a face smattering of experience.

Which when you think about it is quite sad. You’ve entered into the sex industr,y which is notoriously identified with sleazebags who want to take advantage of you, and you’re expected to be a performer at sex. Let’s say you produce a banger of a scene, and then become popular that they sign you to a multi scene deal. You’re too stupid to know what a good contract is so you sign their deal and become ever more popular (let’s assume they’re attractive and good at their job). Now you’re desired, have more bargaining chips, but you’ve got to differentiate to maintain uniqueness in the scenes. This starts leading to different hair colors, new positions, and adding to the amount of partners you can endure at one time. Once you get your next 5 scenes, you’re a veteran and stuck in the butthole. The money is better than what you get working at Hooters (I saw Lena Paul on Daniel Mac in some sort of Mazerati type vehicle) and there is no end in sight. You’re now gravitationally pulled into this universe of deceit and fifth so Mindgeek can make a few million in profits. Who knows how much goes to cocaine and Viagra. I do feel that this reported number is bogus though because of Crypto, tax evasion, and general underhandedness of the industry.

Why did I write this post? I just got carried away. These aren’t thoughts that I spend hours thinking about but when I go down questions I ask myself sometimes (what ever happened to Jayden James?), posts like this just cum out. Then when I saw MindGeek owned Porhub AND Brazzers, I knew the universe wasn’t what it appeared. I’m also fairly certain that Comcast tracks every PornHub search a user does and will use this if you ever go to court. “What type of person searches for JOI MILF POV? What kind of character do they posses?” I went real light on this example fwiw for the kids who read this. I compare myself to Sal Governale who exposed his perverted mind on the Howard Stern show and think to myself, well, “you’re not that sick”. I’m not sure he’s thinking about the career arc of Pornstars and asking themselves, “hmmm, how can I be their agent?”

Wow I am so horny now
This comment scared off the few readers we have.