This post was inspired by my purchasing the Card Counter for $6.99 and being incredibly disappointed. I’ll watch movies on Netflix at 1.25x and they go by in a flash. Over the last few months here are a few with a brief analysis on whether you should spend time watching it or not.
Card Counter (2021) – I saw Martin Scorsese’s name and thought it must be decent before I shell out my hard earned money. It SUCKED! I could hardly finish it. The plot was purposeless. The actual gambling aspect of it wasn’t bad, but the whole torturing angle to make the gambler the way he was is plain dumb. The love story was dumber. D-

Monster (2003) – An ugly Charlize Theron and a dyke Christina Ricci remake a homicidal prostitute. I can’t believe this movie won awards back in 2003. I have to imagine people were too scared to say it was bad. I had a hard time knowing Theron is attractive and turning into a…monster. C–

Leon: The Professional (1994) – A movie that was entertaining from the start to finish. Rooting for a hitman is always fun. The little girl played by Natalie Portman was unreal acting for someone that young. Clearly the relationship between a hit man and a 12 year old was dicey. Gary Oldman’s character was chaotic and exhilarating. I didn’t even mind the lack of realism behind the movie. It was fun to watch. B+

Magnolia (1999) – If you’re not watching this on 1.25x, you’ll fall asleep because it’s 3 hours long. Paul Thomas Anderson said he would have shortened it after the fact. The way the story lines were interweaving is cool. Tom Cruise did a great job acting and I’m a big Philip Seymour Hoffman fan. Can’t say the same for Julianne Moore. Every time I watch William Macy I think of his bumbling character from Fargo and this one isn’t far off. The movie itself with the gameshow, John C. Reily’s cop plot, Cruise and Moore’s family, and overall drama was worth it. B+

Shot Caller (2017) – Jamie Lannister take a cash grab and Lake Bell doesn’t show her breasts or cleavage. Ghost from Power was blah blah blah. This movie was awful. F

Looper (2012)- Solid effort here from Joseph Gordon Levitt and Bruce Willis. Entertaining throughout and the sci fi, time traveling, seemed realistic to me. I liked this movie and thought the kid/bad guy angle was cool. B

The Disaster Artist (2017) – I wanted to watch the Room for its prestige, but settled for the James Franco biography of Tommy Wiseau. Although I learned about Tommy, this movie was a waste of time. Him throwing the football was a highlight. Also, was Alison Brie the girlfriend? She looked very good. D

Awakenings (1990) – I didn’t know there was a movie where Robin Williams and Robert De Niero teamed up in 1990. You’d think it would get more attention as a great movie. With Penny Marshall directing and Randy Newman doing the soundtrack, you were in 90’s super team euphoria. More of a tear jerker than a plot mover, but still entertaining. B

The Last Boyscout (1991) – I have a soft spot for Bruce Willis action movies so I’ll be rating this higher than it deserves. This movie didn’t try to be something it’s not. Corny catch phrases on murders. Intense action. Wild, impossible to escape scenarios where Bruce always seems to prevail. Damon Wayans and the daughter were great ancillary characters and Walter Goggins is always amusing. All around nice movie from 1991. B

Hateful Eight (2015) – I didn’t give any of these movies A’s and I’ve saved the best for last. What makes Hateful Eight is the dialogue. The first time I watched the movie years ago I didn’t know the twist. This time, I knew there was a twist so I watched with a bit more knowledge and it was just as good. Samuel L is a fantastic as well as Kurt Russell. Daisy was played by Nancy’s sister from Weeds and is phenomenal. Although long, this movie truly has it all. Not a dull moment throughout. Not quite as good as Inglourious Bastards, but works for a solid grade. What can I say I have a soft spot for Walter Goggins movies. A-

Check out King Kong (1933). A great movie for it’s time. Forget the newer versions.