I golfed twice last week and I SUCKED both times, shooting a 112 and 115 at Lederach and Valleybrook respectively. In my defense I haven’t played in months.

Here are the strengths and weaknesses of my game.


  • Hitting my irons
  • Laying up on any shot needing to clear 130 yards or more
  • Club tossing after OB shots
  • Ignoring white stakes
  • 3 putting


  • Hitting my driver
  • Hitting my 3 wood
  • Landing 10-30 yard shots on the green
  • Keeping my composure after a bad hole
  • 3 putting

But seriously, my primary weakness is getting off the tee. I cannot hit my driver and it’s to the point where I don’t even try. I hit iron off the tee probably 14 times this Sunday. It’s a cuck way to play, but I don’t have a choice.

So I have two questions for my golf readers, of which there are many.

1. Why do I hook my driver?

My problem here is consistent. EVERY bad drive goes very low and hooks left. It ends up roughly 75-125 yards out and usually goes OB if there’s anything to carry or any OB left. I must follow-through with the clubface closed or something, but I don’t know how to fix it. At this point it’s half mental. I don’t know what’s worse, consulting my blog readers or watching Instagram videos to fix this.

2. I need a new hybrid, what do I get?

I have a 20 year old Adams Golf 4 iron hybrid. Sometimes it’s great but I know hybirds these days are all the rage and they turn bad golfers into good golfers. What brand? What website? FOUR iron hybrid?

Please help in the comments.