It’s easy to type this post as a conservative from the east coast. Simple to point out that prior (poor) decisions by left wing extremists led to this catastrophe. I hate to even call California that, but these fires have pointed out so much mismanagement that you must draw some conclusions that they are unfit to serve and their values misguided. I’ll do my best to present evidence that I’m drawing as true to reach this conclusion. Let me know what you think?
The Fires
You think it’s more important to have a woman of color versus a qualified person? You think it’s more important to have a lesbian running the fire department than a qualified person? Well, you asked for it. You got it. Now, your house is on fire.
This video detailing the Californian government should be watched to get an idea of why this happened.
No Water
Whether having water would have saved LA, your guess is as good as mine.

Who is Responsible?
The reporter asking Karen Bass questions was awkward. You’d think a mayor would be able to handle this unless they know they are in hot water and any sound bite they give will be used against them. Smart to stay silent. Not a good look though.
Gavin Newsome on the other hand is an excuse machine. Not a leader you’d want running your state.
The fire fighter sound clip is also bad because it can be used as ammo for why you’re not fit to do the job properly.
Don’t Worry, We’ll Save You
What’s it Mean?
I saw Paris Hilton’s house burn down and it makes me wonder if these people start understanding why systems have been put in place that have been developed for hundreds of years and that they shouldn’t be radically changed to save the spotted owl. Anyway you slice it, if what I’m presenting looks to be true, California’s prior decisions to save wildlife, cater to diversity, allow vandals to loot, and have their heads so far up their ass they smell their farts, instead of dealing with the real world issues, caught up to them.
I agree that dumping water into the Pacific Ocean to save a fish sounds ridiculous. And I hear Donald’s comments. He’s good at saying things (most of which are lies), not so good at doing things. Let’s see if this situation changes in the next four years. I doubt it.
After further review, the problem was not caused by lack of water, but lack of water pressure. No water system can handle 4 times the demand for 15 straight hours. The water tanks, which require gravity to create the needed pressure, could not be filled fast enough. In addition, the fire fighters were drawing water from the supply used to fill the tanks.
“It wasn’t because there wasn’t enough water,” he said. “It wasn’t because of political things that you might have read about. It wasn’t because of anything but the wind.”