I carded a 37 on the front nine yesterday. I’m certain that’s the lowest nine I’ve had in my life which is nice to know you can still improve at whatever it is you’re doing at 38. The course was Bella Vista from the white tees. Compared to what I was playing in the Poconos the week before, the course is much friendlier. 6,100 yards compared to 6,800 makes a big difference and my skill level is right in between.

There wasn’t much of note aside from driving straight and hitting reasonable approach shots. I made a 10 foot putt on 1 for par and a 20 footer on 3 for birdie which won’t happen every round. On 6, I got up and down after an unlucky break to wind up under a tree but a Sand Saves Stortz managed to hold bogey. The best shot of the round was my approach on 9 which finished 2 inches from the hole for birdie.
On 10 I made the decision to drink 3 Bud Lights which any observer would say, “why”? I smashed a drive on 10 dead straight that rolled through the fairway on rocky terrain. My recovery shot hit a tree and flew backwards and I made double bogey. On the next hole I found myself in the sand and skulled one behind the green and to 3 putt for a triple. On the island green I hit my 135 club into a 120 green and the wind stopped it dead for 1 more double. I finished with a 45 for an 82 on the round. Without a doubt, I’ll be breaking 80 this year.

One would look at the decision to have a few beers as a sign from supernatural forces. Since I don’t believe in that, this was simply the game of golf. Life is a series of internal tests that either make you stronger or you defeat you. Did I need those beers? No. Do I think they resulted in an immediate double? No. Is this the alcoholic in me defending the position? You can be the judge.
Furthermore, aside from those 3 beers I didn’t have another drink the entire weekend. Jeff and I are demoing tools in Allentown on Monday and it is a money making opportunity. Live interaction is still a way to make connections that a digital world doesn’t offer. People still want to do business with people. It’s the trust factor that when you know who you are dealing with, they are less likely to create problems. Being sharp and personable goes miles in this world. Making money, however, has it’s pitfalls as there is no end unless you create one. Here’s to retiring at 40 and breaking 80.
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