I’ve been to casinos in AC, Vegas, Poconos, London, and ones on Indian Reservations. Casinos are outlets for guests to have fun drinking and gambling. They should not be where regulars try to make a fortune. Unfortunately, people who convince themselves that gambling is better than a job find themselves in casinos on Mondays. The casino then turns into dark, sad, and depressing repository of human waste.

I lost $160 dollars on this trip. I won a $100 bet on Miami only to lose it by betting double on the Thunder on Monday. Yesterday, I lost $60 in 2 slot machines. I was caught off guard betting $12.50 on one, .25 cent spin, and my 6x grotto lotto jackpot whiffed. If only I hit!
The issue with gambling is that it’s never enough. How much money would I need to win to change my life? If I won $50,000, I’d be quite pleased, but it’s still only $30k after taxes and then what? To quote Samir from Office Space, “I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities.” If it was $500k, then I’d be able to buy a bigger house, but my actual life doesn’t change. The only way you can win that much money in a casino is making bets that are so big in stake that it’s the way addicts go busto.

Another consideration for why the casino is purposeless, is that the stock market can trigger numbers that far outweigh any type of casino gambling. When PHIL jumped 100% on Monday, I made 10x more than I lost on this trip. When GME dropped 11% yesterday, I lost 10x. The casino needs guests to stay open. Outside of the money I lose, I spent $500 on the hotel room and another few hundred eating and drinking. Oddly, there are people who do this all the time. As in they live in the casino. This is not a way to go through life. This was a fun trip for 2 days, but I’m ready to leave.
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