I spoke last post about reasons I don’t post as much as I used to. One reason I gave was lack of unique content. What does that mean exactly?
In 2024 there are specialized experts giving highly qualified opinions on almost everything. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of bozos giving shit opinions all over the internet, but let’s say the top ~5% of analysis on general topics is better & more informed than it’s ever been.
Why does that impact my posting? The best way I can answer that is this post I wrote in 2019 ranking the top 15 NBA players.

This is a post I would never write today. I can tell you that 98% of my NBA opinions in 2019 were based on podcasts I was listening to and 2% was based on watching actual NBA games, 98% of which were Sixers games.
So why did I feel like I should write a full post ranking players I never watched? I don’t know. I genuinely don’t know. But I was genuinely giving my opinion. I didn’t write that post as a joke. I was literally saying “I think player X is better than player Y” and I had never watched a full game of either of them play.
The content landscape of the world has changed. Five years ago I believed that I was an informed viewer who had something unique to say. Five years later I feel like every good idea or observation I have has already been said, likely more creatively and better articulated than I would have said it.
So what does that leave me to write about? I’ve coming around to the idea that I should simply be writing about things that I’ll want to read a decade from now. Things about my life, my thoughts at the time, etc. Not for the viewers, but for myself, like a public diary. We’ll see where that takes me. It can’t be worse than I’ve been doing.
5 worst dates was a great post. So was the parking. And the construction workers. Don’t stop writing about shit customers and shitty people, and how you avenge for small, subtle victories. Write about marriage, life outside the city, thoughts on kids, etc. Don’t sike yourself out about being a subject matter expert; I’m not coming here for advice, i want opinions! So keep’em comin!