These Should Make You Laugh
1 . Fuck. He’s trying to steal my decals. – Hits on so many levels. The fact that the guy is in no way trying to steal his decals. That he’s that protective of said decals. The way he repeats he thought the guy was trying to steal his decals by saying, “he was walking right up to the car, he was trying to rip the hat off, he was trying to rip the cigar.” (He didn’t even leave the curb). The fact even Bud thought this was a good line. Driving Crooner is my favorite sketch so you may see it again on this list. I gotta figure out how to make money on this. It’s simply too good.

2. “He’s too excited. He’s too rough on the rope. He pulls on the rope. He wrenches on the rope. He thinks it’s his.” Mike from Adventure 365 coming through with this one. The first line is what does it for me, “he’s too excited.” This works perfectly because Megan’s first line is I think you’re just here for the zip line. Which follows with another classic zinger to that line, “I do like that you can drop into the pool…I’m just trying to remember.” Ronnie from the zip line is a great character except for the ending, “are you sure”, which feels weird. If you don’t laugh when he says, “good” to how do you think your connection is with Megan, you’re not human. Well, that’s what I believe.

3. When I was a kid, I fell into a river and a fished bumped me out of the water. I was supposed to die and a fish bumped me out with his nose. That was the earth telling me I’m supposed to do something great and I know that’s the driving crooner. It has to be! You know what I mean, James? – A stellar conclusion to a skit. Getting some introspective to the Driving Crooner’s life. How a fish bumps you out of the water is absolutely mind bending. How big was the fish? What kind of a bump? Using the word bump is priceless. It’s a shame people want to kill the driving crooner, but I hope he’s my next Uber driver.

4a. I tried to rip the Wright Brothers off the ceiling, brother. – Shane’s dilemma starts with “going nuts, spinning around, going nuts, moving my head all around…” and leads to the Wright Brothers coming off the ceiling. Well, what should we start with first? This hilarious interaction with shirt brothers forming an immediate bond is quite a concept. Shane takes this a bit furthers than Tim’s character which is why it works so well. If you wear the same shirts, do you really becoming shirt brothers? One must consider this deeply.

4b. God I love that fucking song. I just don’t know if it’s true. – Shane’s awake now. We all know that rules are society’s construct and don’t truly exist, but most people don’t think this deep. Shane being enlightened by the song he fucking loves and is now playing a different ball game than the rest of us. Just promise me you’ll never do another rule!
5. Porn? That’s a nude egg I won from my game! I’m not in trouble at all. – My favorite part of the egg sketch is when he double takes the woman while they are watching the egg. Him continuously saying he’s never got that far for the reason it’s happening is comical. The way he moves the mouse is funny and the dynamic behind the game makes the entire sketch work. If there was one sketch I’d show to get people into the show, it would be this one because it’s simple. It has a bush!

6. Bent wrist, thing fucking exploded. – I’m a big fan of the sloppy steaks setup/flashback skit of season 3. Was anyone here ripped off by a place called TK Jewelers & L&L Limos? And Avani Suits! Tim is hilarious in this skit from so many angles. The first line of “you look nice” is creative. You have this character who hadn’t been on a date in 10 years, trying to have it go well, and he’s getting ripped off by stores and limo drivers are hugging his date. The guy in the crowd saying, “you bent your wrist?” was perfect. Even showing how the bunny was bending its wrists worked. Everyone, aside from the guy who enters the sitcom and everyone claps was perfect.

7. I’m well within my rights to kill you right now! – The dog ear hairstyle concept was a bit far but when the guys are in the apartment there interactions are too near real life. The scream he makes falling on the couch when he’s going on the date is far out. I still can’t figure out what the hell is going on with the Bryan Cranston picture. It looks like he’s 80 and I’m not even sure how you’d create that hairstyle. The double girlfriend was a wonky way to end it but I’m not sure what else he would do.

8. Come here right now Stuart! – This is what happens when you join a group that has 200 friends. The noise in the background when he looks at the red head and goes, “who are you” is something out of Jurassic Park. Going back to come here right now, the concept of this being the friend group you signed up for, Tim’s huge suit (is he the leader?) and having to hide your burger and wipe your fries off your plate kills. The ending with the fart ruins a good idea unfortunately. I would preferred a different ending with more Stuart.

9. It was my birthday yesterday. Turned 43. Good Happy Birthday. My brother is 41. It’s my birthday in 10 days. – This Jason Schwartzman sketch is well done. The feel good part of Jason’s character coming around gets overtaken by Tim’s when you learn his son feeds Godzilla the Gorilla. The depth of Tim’s character always trying to think of something has to be a metaphor for his real life. The line above is great because it’s so pointless and funny at the same time. Like this is what people talk about.

10. I can’t believe all that happened because the teacher! I’m not a teacher. Woooooa – A very average skit but the ending is funny. Blaming all of it on the teacher when the guy is pretending to throw water on everyone because they are telling him to stop is witty. I like when Tim gets hit with the water and it looks like he’s getting electrocuted. The noise at the end, which he uses somewhat often in prior skits, hit the exact spot it should have in this skit.

Yeeeeeaaahhhh. Yessssss, James.

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