Contrary to popular belief, I did not kill myself after the Sixers lost game 7.
Instead, I went on a trip to Maine with my GIRLFRIEND Meghan. I usually don’t post recaps of things I’ve done because I feel like no one will read it or care. As I went through and wrote this post, I still felt like that, but it’s worth it even if I’m the only one who reads it!
Here’s an Instagram post with some pictures from the trip.
Being Sick
At 2am on the morning we planned to leave, I had a ~45 minute coughing fit because I was sick. We hit the road at 5:30am and I was dying. Meghan asked if I was really able to go on the trip, and I had a moment of “oh shit, this might actually not happen“, but I insisted I would be okay.
I was fine-ish the rest of the trip. The coughing was a disaster at bed time and rough the first couple of days but was better by the end.
Portsmouth / Rye New Hampshire
Our first stop was Rye New Hampshire to see Meghan’s brother. I’ve never had a girlfriend who had an older brother. What do impression do I want to give? That I’m responsible? That I’ll take care of his little sister? That I like to party? I demonstrated all three of those things while meeting him. He was cool. We got along.
Not much time was spent here but it seemed like a cool little town. Shout out to Tristan who I haven’t seen in 10 years and who ignored my snap of being in Portsmouth.
Acadia / Bar Harbor Maine
We did a lot here; Jordan Pond, Thunder Hole (sorry Amos, we botched the timing of the tide), Otter Cliff, sunset on a beach, lobster rolls from This Way Cafe (Rob gave this a 9.5. It was like an ~8, still good though), toured all the shops, etc. Bar Harbor is a really cool little town and Acadia has a zillion nature options.
I’m sorry, but we weren’t cut out for waking up at 3:30AM to see the sunrise at Cadillac. Here’s a picture I Googled of it that’s not filtered.

Worth noting that Meghan gave me her Aviators to wear when we got there since I didn’t have any sun glasses. My swag / douglas went from a 5 to a 10 just from that. I felt like the man. So much so that I bought my own pair when we were there. I will not hear it from anyone that I don’t look good in Aviators.
Portland Maine
From Acadia we went to Portland. I would highly recommend visiting here as a non-obvious city to go to for vacation. It’s right on the Atlantic so the views are great. Old Port and the down town area have a lot to do. Just outside of the city are some lighthouses (!) and breweries. We hit Allagash which has an awesome setup.
Also, the food in both these cities was like… really good. Lobster rolls, clam chowder, scallops, etc. were all off the map.
New Haven Connecticut
I’d be remiss not to mention New Haven, the pizza capital of the world. On the way home we wanted to try some A+ pizza, so when we were 30 minutes out of New Haven we went to place an order with the famous Pepe’s. The wait time was 70 minutes. We looked elsewhere because we couldn’t wait 40 minutes on the drive home for pizza.

There was nothing worthy of Pepe’s, so when we were 10 minutes out we placed the order for a 70 minute wait. We had an hour to kill in New Haven. Amazing.
Maybe I didn’t give it enough of a chance, but New Haven felt a lot like Stamford, which is my least favorite city in the country.
The pizza, however, was spectacular. Worth the wait.
I hope you enjoyed this recap.
Woah she’s hot. Nice
Awesome Trip Sam. You knocked it out of the park.
I’m requesting a guest post after our trip so we can see whose recap sucks/doesn’t get read more. Ours will include a real sunrise pic from Cadillac since we’re actually cut out for it.