This post is a SplittingTens first. For the last year (or two (six)) I have not been posting frequently. Part of that is simply due to my lack of unique content, which is a post unto itself. But another part of that is that writing a blog post takes time. A post that takes 90 seconds to read may take an hour to put together. But last night in bed, I thought of a way to solve that!
Every day when I drive to and from work, I listen to a podcast. That’s 60 minutes each day. This morning, however, I am taking some time to verbally construct this blog post.
Voice-to-text is a technology that I’ve never taken advantage of; when I need to text and drive, I do it like everyone else, with my fingers. But V2T allows me to safely get my thoughts down while keeping my eyes on the road!

We’ll see if this changes things, maybe I’ll start cranking out post every few days, or maybe I’ll hit a deer and capture my reaction live. Either way, this is the dawn of a new era for the blog.
This entire post up to this point has taken me seven minutes and seven seconds to compose. The real trick would be to put V2T on while the podcast I listen to is playing and post that as my own content, then maybe people would actually start reading.
Get a dash selfie mount and hit us with some of those sweet vidya pods