I was walking down the street and came across a car with a dead battery getting a charge. As I passed, I overheard the one man saying to the other, “what are your plans today, just fucking around?” Mind you, this is 6pm. A few observations:

  • At 6pm, to be using ‘today’, is comical. I’ve been up since 5:45, worked a full day, ran 4 miles, and am now meeting a contractor to discuss plans. Today is almost ready for bedtime.
  • Just fucking around is a riot. What does that even mean? Banging broads? Wandering the streets? Getting high and playing video games? This is not your next President.
  • The final point here is that this is the type of guy who’s battery dies.

I bring all of this into question because I am going to present an example of stereotyping.

Said Cement Contractor

I need my patio repitched. I’ve called or contacted 5 different companies and have gotten no response. I finally get a guy on the line who is interested in the job and we set up an appointment for 3:30 today. I leave work early to meet. At 3:50 I call him and say, “where are you.” He can’t get there soon, lost my number so he couldn’t contact me, and will show up at 6 to 6:30. A bit annoyed I said fine and went for a run. I get back to my place at 6 waiting. At 7pm he calls and says he need to re-schedule. I said fine and hung up without saying another word. He texts me back:

I was giving this guy the benefit of the doubt after speaking with him on the phone. He wasn’t polished in sales and sounded like a Philly guy which is fine for doing cement. Yet, when you cancel 1 appointment, then another ON THE SAME DAY, then give me a DUDE, all the while not even writing down who you were meeting…

If that’s indicative of his work, for that reason, I’m out. These type of people do poor work. I’ve seen it countless times. The people you want doing work are organized, clean, and take it seriously. This guy did not.