Why Sports Are Always What’s Best On TV

Why Sports Are Always What’s Best On TV

When I get home from work I like to turn on the TV before I go for a run. Enemy of the State was on and I enjoyed the back and forth banter between Gene Hackman and Will Smith as they are getting chased towards the end. The movie ended and I was scanning through the...
Warming Up

Warming Up

It didn’t use to be this way. When I wake up in the morning and take my first steps, my body aches. It’s like the tin man moving around without any oil. When I go for a run, it takes a solid 10 minutes before I can move like I want to. If I wanted to run...
Substantiating Dental Misinformation

Substantiating Dental Misinformation

Sam’s last post has misinformation  about how often I change my tooth brush. The scenario is how Sam pointed it out except for I knew that Sam was going to take that comment I made incorrectly. The tooth brush I was using was a dental “trial”...
It’s Easy To Do Nothing

It’s Easy To Do Nothing

My mom likes to think that Stortz Tools is a joke when it comes to off days, as in, she thinks we take off whenever we please and only work half the year. That’s not exactly the case. It’s more along the lines that we have flexibilty when life events come...