The Major’s golf pool hit a record high this year with 58 entries. This historical movement came even after the decision to bump the entry fee $25 to $175. We’ll attribute the positive response to the enhanced decision making of yours truly who knows that stagnate league fees are evident of a passive league. More money at stake means that people have more interest. Other improvements were paying out other places per tournament which spreads the money around which should be viewed favorably. What’s neat is that you don’t know how these types of moves are going to play out. It’s simple to say how smart it is now, but it’s a guess whether it’s right or wrong.

Another important aspect about growth is organic spread. It’s difficult to spread a network by one person, but if one person tells one person, you create a network. I’ve learned through my years that few people want to go out of their way to do, literally, anything. Yet, and I’m hopeful and guessing, when people can see my enthusiasm through the, in this case, emails, that this helps other people want to build what I try to create. I had multiple people in the pool send it to their friends and we had at least 10 new people join this year. Thanks to those who read the blog and help spread the word.

Being in charge of groups isn’t that much fun. I find myself doing it because no one else wants to and who’d I rather do it than myself? The headaches that come with collecting money, keeping entrants up to date with proper info like payouts, and running it smoothly i.e.) don’t steal the money and pay people out 1 minute after the tournament ends, are minor compared to putting on the show. I do find myself qualified to handle it and think I do a good job. For friends of friends to give you 10k, they must trust you. I believe my values do instill this level of belief it will be done correctly. And I do it because it will.
Thanks for playing blog readers!
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