The current America is not my America. The country rewards inactivity, illegal entry, crime paying dividends (as well as being overlooked), and the squeakiest wheel winning while raising taxes to the highest earners. The policy of printing money, with no intention of paying it back, is also troubling. What was once a country built on hard work and purpose has turned into gaming the system and corrupt politicians. Hasn’t this always been the case? Perhaps, but I’ve never felt more in my life like I’m being fed bullshit.
It’s a Conspiracy Theory…Until it Isn’t
The difference between factual news and propaganda is subtle. I watched this clip of a soldier in Vietnam whose account of what he saw was different from what Time Magazine was reporting. This sparks a bit of questionability in what you are choosing to read and believe.
What is the truth and what is being fabricated? How could you possibly know? SkyNews Australia is reporting that Bejjing is claiming that the USA is the likely Covid 19 source, and “white supremacists” are bullying anti-lab leak scientists. The USA certainly can’t agree with that narrative. Someone is clearly lying and based off the Chinese infection #’s (#101, 91,949 cases) vs the USA (#1, 34,639,222 cases), I’m guessing they may be telling two different stories. Do you think the Chinese people believe what the Chinese government tells them the same way the Americans believe their own government? But what about the carnage across the rest of the world? 200+ countries can’t all be lying which leads you to believe China must be wrong. Data wise, there is a standard sub 2% death rate of the virus among cases and the most susceptible people to die are over 80 or have other pre-existing conditions. If you eat McDonald’s every day for 20 years and Covid19 kills you, whose fault is that? The individual or the virus? #’s can be manipulated any way you want.

Which brings me to our extremely trustworthy government. We’ve decided to go the next step and start “enforcing” vaccination. Are we doing this because the mighty coronavirus is as devastating as we are being told? Or are we getting people vaccinated because we are making an effort to cover up who knows what. Either way, this seems extremely odd that the government is going out of its way for the safety of the country. Remember this is the same government who gladly takes your tax money and accepts/supports people from other countries illegally. Who do they actually care about?
Or how about this story of Nancy Pelosi’s husband purchasing $11 million dollars in Big Tech options and profiting millions. How could you think that the alignment between Big Tech and government is severe when the House speaker’s husband is insider trading?!? I swear you can’t make this stuff up. The government loves Bit Tech, as well as Big Pharma, because it allows them to control the people and there can’t be a rebellion if their bullshit gets uncovered. They are too powerful.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband just invested millions in 4 mega-cap tech stocks, including Apple and Amazon

These politicians are self-serving criminals. You can say so was Donald, and I’m sure you’re not wrong, but he cared about America. This crew is so confused about what to care about that the stink will build and the only way to solve the problem is flush them all out. The people need to start working again and the country needs to start focusing on priorities instead of is critical race theory being taught to children? This country is worse off than it’s been and if this economy collapses, boy oh boy, you read it hear first that we are not in good shape. Also, please keep your communist comments to yourself. I don’t give a shit.
Those of us who sense that the greatest of the U.S is dwindling feel that a good part of the reason is the defeat of traditional values and their replacement by woke ones. Identity politics may be the rule in the Democratic party, but its origin is in woke culture, which accounts for why the country is filled with so many angry people, for whom no evidence of progress lessens the intensity of their grievances.
Although the culture war would appear to be over, to surrender to the dreariness of woke culture – which tramples on art, is without intellectual authority, allows no humor, and is vindictive toward those who oppose it – is unthinkable. So praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, it’s back to the trenches, for there isn’t any choice. The culture war must continue. – Joseph Epstein Op-Ed WSJ
Neither you, nor Joseph Epstein, knows what ‘woke’ actually means. To hear you use it without any irony is hilarious and sad.
Enlighten us with an embracing no social responsibility take.
Is this a “hiding in plain sight” conspiracy thing? Just publish the op-eds in one of the most widely read papers in the world for years? There were protests over dying goldfish as part of a piece when I was 20. ‘Piss-Christ’ became an international story. “Woke” existed before this moment. These people made something. The fact that having a half-decent inspirational idea every couple days that you can share with people becomes a valued career is the most frightening thing to me. Just better marketing for horoscopes.
“We’ve decided to go the next step and start “enforcing” vaccination. Are we doing this because the mighty coronavirus is as devastating as we are being told? Or are we getting people vaccinated because we are making an effort to cover up who knows what. Either way, this seems extremely odd that the government is going out of its way for the safety of the country. Remember this is the same government who gladly takes your tax money and accepts/supports people from other countries illegally. Who do they actually care about?“
I’ve got some unfortunate news for your broken Fox News brain. The vaccine is not a left or right issue it’s a public health issue. Donald Trump is vaccinated.
It’s actually the greatest triumph in capitalism in a while. Private companies raced to be the first so that they could collect the $. That resulted in the US having it first and other countries needing to come to us for it. And then! Those tax dollars you are so worried about, they paid for the vaccine. Remember when you got yours early and it was free? Great use of public funds I think. But I’m sure you’d rather it be $100 per shot because only people with money are valuable to you.
Instead of seeing this for what it is you went full anti vax QAnon and suggested that it’s a government cover up. Any reasonable person left or right is thrilled about the vaccine allowing us to get back to regular life. Would love to get your thoughts on the polio vaccine and the other 3 required for school children. A cover up as well I assume.
This blog has been cancelled.
Who the hell cares. Just blog about PHIL!
Sure, I’ve been called a xenophobe, but the truth is, I’m not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren’t as good. That used to be called patriotism.