I bike to and from work ~4 times a week.
Each ride is 1.5 miles and takes about 8 minutes.
That puts my weekly totals at 12 miles and 64 minutes.
That puts my annual totals at about 50 hours and 600 miles on the bike.
I never wear a helmet on any of those rides.
Meghan was telling me a statistic she heard about children that if they fall off a bike without a helmet they die 100% of the time. That wasn’t it, but it was something that demonstrated the dramatic difference a helmet makes when you get into an accident. As my #1 fan, she very much wants me to wear a helmet.

Here’s the pro and con list of wearing a helmet:
- Safety
- Zero douglas
- Airpods get knocked loose
- Hair might smell afterward?
Most logical people would wear a helmet. But I don’t, and I don’t want to.
I can’t give a good reason why I don’t want to. The annoyance is so minimal compared to the benefit of having one if I were to get into an accident. Bogdan told me he usually didn’t wear one until he got hit, luckily while wearing one, and believes that if he didn’t have a helmet on he would’ve been in huge trouble. Now he wears it 100% of the time. Meanwhile I sound like this guy:

There are countless stories of helmets making a difference. But I just don’t want to wear one. Is it really because I feel stupid wearing it? I’m asking myself this right now as I type. I think that’s the bottom-of-my-heart truthful answer.
I didn’t start this post thinking I would change my own mind but I think I just did. I was even going to make the pic below a feature image for this post, but now it’s demoted to bottom-of-the-post. I think I just need to buy a cool one, not a loser one. Comment a cool one to buy.

German Army Helmet. I have a picture, but don’t think I can insert it (or I just don’t know how).
I have a “Thousand” bike helmet and love it.
But anyone wearing a helmet while on an Indego bike should be imprisoned.
How do you even find a helmet that fits your Shrek head? It will emphasize the giganticness.
Helmets are for people who lack confidence in their ability. It’s a safety net for the scared. Some people wear a “helmet” every day of their lives, what is your “helmet”? Have you seen your therapist yet?
1. Didn’t you get ravaged on the ski slopes and thanked your lucky stars you wore a helmet? Not sure why Biking is different.
2. Given my bald head, helmets leave markings on my skull after I take them off. I look like a jackass. So you could have it worse.
Bill – Not trying to send any bad impressions with German army helmets…
Gourlay – I already look uncool because it’s an Indego, might as well go all in!
Dave – My head is big, but it comes down to ‘do I trust Philly drivers’. My therapist says wear a helmet.
Slade – I would 100% be dead if I didn’t have a helmet on during the ski accident.
This isn’t Dave.
helmets are lame as fuck but you should wear one your skull already looks like a helmet tbh and you can probably find a cheap one on amazon.
I still haven’t seen you wear a helmet yet 🤔
New nickname Sam “Scoops” Stortz; (after they have to scoop your brain off the sidewalk).