It’s odd being as sober as I’ve been for the past 2 weeks. I’ve logged 101 miles running this month which is only 4 short of my record since I started keeping track at the beginning of ’19. I’ve also been adding 1 push up a night starting at 20 and I’ve worked up to 33 in one go. Not quite as good as the gym, but better than nothing. Exercising is a lot easier when you’re never hung over. I’m not blogging as much which is unforgivable. That’s a nice Wendy Byrde word. Obviously, a Platform word, I’m watching a lot of shit. I have a lot of opinions on what’s going on, but they aren’t full blog posts so I’ll use some bullet points in a lazy attempt for a post.

  • Every 12 peanut M&M’s is 140 calories. Every handful I take is a little less than 12. I’ve eaten 114 handfuls of M&M’s over the quarantine. I made that # up, but I’m pretty sure that’s roughly 15,000 peanut M&M’s calories. 62 oz tubs don’t last long. That’s healthy, right?
  • Miriam Hamberg might be the most beautiful girl in Sweden. Watch this ass shake at 2:04. They were playing this on ESPN Ocho and I fell in love. American girls may have blonde hair and have big tits, but the facial features on this girl are impeccable. If I make enough money, I’m out and residing in Sweden.
  • The “this day in history” that ESPN pulls night after night is dumb. Flat out stupid. How many people care that Russell Westbrook recorded a 53 point triple double? No one. What they should start doing is putting the most outrageous stat lines from that day. Charles Shackleford went 0-11 with 2 rebounds, a steal, and 7 turnovers in 31 minutes. That’s what I want to see.
  • Buy Buy Buy. I’ve turned into a day trader because all the stocks are cheap. Hotels. Cruises. Casinos. You name it, its gotten killed. This is the time you get rich boys and (no) girls. Just don’t pick stocks that go bankrupt and you’ll be ok. Picked up some MGM today. Who wants on the roller coaster ride? PENN stock is next!!!!

PS – I miss golf