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Back to Bowling

Back to Bowling

I rolled in a league for the first time in about a year last Wednesday. I started off with 3 splits in the first 5 frames (one of which I converted) and was wondering how long it would take me to get back into the groove. The answer was immediately. I moved a few...

I Beat Him Up

I Beat Him Up

The title should be "if", but that wouldn't get you to read. A high school kid with a backpack on was walking across the parking lot where I get my bacon, egg, and cheese from Manhattan Bagel. He was 16, small, and scrawny. If I stopped my car, got out, and punched...

I Bought a Dash Cam

I Bought a Dash Cam

After declaring that I'm going hit a deer with my car I figured it was a good idea to get a dash cam. Am I excited that I'll get to rewatch the impending collision as many times as I want? Not really. I don't know if I'll want to watch it at all. But the dash cam goes...

A Laugh for a Change

A Laugh for a Change

So much negativity in the world, let's take a minute to have a hearty laugh. You Mean Cerberus? To reply "Cerberus" is perfect writer pan humor. The way she avoids a response nails it too. Finally I'm a huge fan of Krusty's "yeah" and the writers indifference to the...

Quitting X?

Quitting X?

I saw the screenshot above on Reddit on Monday. My initial reaction was "there HAS to be some context I'm missing here". Then I saw the video, and it was worse than I thought. Without reading about it at all, I thought "if that's not the Nazi salute then I don't know...

William or Willem?

William or Willem?

I enjoyed this interview because of Willem's answers. Him being a genuinely nice guy answering some asshole's questions to boost his like count unnecessarily. What do you like about your job? What?! You're interviewing a highly accomplished actor that's been in a...

The Idiot

The Idiot

I finished Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky's book The Idiot (1869). This is regarded as his 3rd best book behind Crime and Punishment and the Brothers Karamazov. Why I decided to tackle this one instead of the others? Perhaps it suits me more. The book is about 650...

Talk About Your Day

Talk About Your Day

Meg and I were watching Love is Blind: Germany and one of the couples were having an argument that went like this: Girl - "We don't communicate. You never talk to me!" Guy - "What, you want me to like, ask you about your day or something?" He said that implying that...

Now…Your House is on Fire

Now…Your House is on Fire

It's easy to type this post as a conservative from the east coast. Simple to point out that prior (poor) decisions by left wing extremists led to this catastrophe. I hate to even call California that, but these fires have pointed out so much mismanagement that you...
