The last time I went to a doctor (this was pre-covid) she asked me how many alcoholic beverages I averaged per week. I said “15-20?” She was PISSED. She told me I had to drink less. She was also a NERD. She ended up leaving Philadelphia, so I’ve been doctorless for a while.
But that hasn’t mattered because I don’t really go to the doctor anyway.
Now that I’m 30, I feel like it’s a good idea to get a CHECK UP. When I say check up, I have no idea what I mean. Here’s what I assume they will do for a check up:
- Colonoscopy – Right away. Get it over with. This checks for… cancer? Huge dumps? I have both.
- Height & Weight – 5’10, 150. Don’t even put me on the scale.
- Blood tests – This checks for STDs and…? Blood pressure? My zodiac sign? I don’t know what they’re hoping to find here.
- Questions – They’ll ask if I smoke, if I drink, etc. And I’ll lie because I was scolded last time.
- Hernia check – Right nut. Left nut. Middle nut. Wam bam thank you ma’am.
- Mile Time – “I ran 4:59 a few days ago but that’s not like my PR or anything. I ran 4:30 once“.

Am I missing anything?
My next hurdle is finding another doctor. Jefferson is the easiest because I’m already in their system. Do I pick a guy or a girl? Or first available? Does it matter?
I’ll update in a month (or two) when I actually go.
I once answered 24 for alcoholic drinks on the form and the doctor lady was like “do you mean 2-4?” and I said no, 24 but I only drink Friday and Saturday.
She later had her hands all over my nuts so I imagine I impressed her with my drinking.
Doctor asked me how much I drink and smoke. And I looked at the Doctor and asked, “well, what’s the maximum?”