Talk about a LTBC (low-T beta cuck). The guy can’t even spell YOUR right in his roast post! That’s that Pittsburgh education for you though.

Tom speaks with such disdain about my $18,000 loss because it’s the only time our dad has been proud of something we did gambling related (other than the time I won $5k in Vegas).

Did I miss my two locks last week? Yes I did. I’m not perfect. But do I need to mention the infamous betting log? The guy lost $160 on League of Legends! Who bets League of Legends!!

Tom right now

I could ramble on about how my running times are faster, that we’re the same Chess rating even though he’s played 9,000 games to my 4,000, or that my bowling average is currently 15 pins higher than his, but those all feel beneath me.

I’m a renaissance man. I try new things like vegetarianism, getting off social media, adopting blind cats, etc. It makes me feel like I’m growing as a person (though this post may indicate a regression). That’s just who I am. But I won’t sit back and get roasted on my own blog. No way. No how.

Eminem vs. MGK

Kellerman vs. Stephen A

Kipchoge vs. Bekele

TC vs. SJ

Boom roasted.