“For his last ten years, Strom Thurmond didn’t know if he was on foot or on horseback,”
I watched 87 year old Democratic Senator Feinstein interview Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. I knew what I was looking for the first time and didn’t think much of it. Then I watched it again and thought it was odd. Then I watched it 1 more time, with purpose, and it’s mind blowing. My time stamps will help you understand your first time through:
1:09:38 – 1:10:17 – “Does misinformation about the results of an election and voter fraud relate to civic integrity? Why or why not?
Dorsey responds.
1:10:30 – “I’m sorry. I didn’t understand that. Did you say you’ve been able to tweet?”
Dorsey responds.
1:10:55 – “So when the tweet came in, how long was it before you updated it?”
“We didn’t update it. We put a label on it to the broader conversation.”
1:11:27 – “Is 30 minutes the maximum time?…Please get me that, I’m interested.”
1:11:38 – Does misinformation about the results of an election and voter fraud relate to civic integrity? Why or why not? – 2nd time
Dorsey responds.
1:12:08 – A specific question and I’m not sure what the answer should be…on Nov 7th, President tweeted and I quote, “I won this election by a lot.” Obviously that’s not true, President Trump lost the election. The warning label that Twitter applied to the tweet says “official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted”. Do you believe that label goes far enough to prevent the tweets harms when the tweet is still visible and not accurate.”
Dorsey responds.
1:14:13 – Let me give you a specific, on Nov 7th, President tweeted and I quote, “I won this election by a lot.” Obviously that’s not true, President Trump lost the election. The warning label that Twitter applied to the tweet says “official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted: Now here’s the question, do you believe that label goes far enough to prevent the tweets harms when the tweet is still visible.” – 2nd time

We’ve Landed on the Moon!
This is the same woman who had a Chinese spy working for her in 2018. If you tell my uncle that you think that there should be unlimited terms for senators, he’d have you committed. This woman has been a senator since 1992. Jack Dorsey could have told her he arrived on the Death Star and she would have told him she was good friends with the Emperor. Why I even care about this is because there are 100 Senators. She’s 5% of some of the most important decision makers in our country. She’s not qualified to do her job. She’s not qualified to do my job!
Look at that transcript? She asks the same questions twice and that’s not even the most egregious part. It’s when she says, “did you say you’ve been able to tweet?” Jack Dorsey is one of the most sophisticated people managing on of the greatest platforms for the dissemination of information and we have our oldest senator who doesn’t what a tweet is. This is the system! It’s flawed. Fix it! No unlimited terms. Think next about the all the people who voted for her and even better think about our President! We need Elon Musk interviewing Jack Dorsey…not my grandma.

Pelosi’s 80 and McConnell’s 78. Born in 1940 and 1942, respectively. Fuck’em all. The average age of a US Senator is almost 63. Our representatives should get yeeted at 65. No exceptions. Das boot’em outta K street.
Put old people on a block of ice and float them into the ocean like the Eskimos. 70 should be the auto-death age.
What do you mean “she’s 5% of some of the most important decision makers in our country”?