I haven’t written a political post in a while.

It strikes me as odd the people who dislike Elon Musk. He transformed the auto industry moving vehicles away from gas. He launches and lands rockets from space. He created a network that distributes the internet to remote locations. He attacked legacy media with a townhall, creator based platform. He’s trying to reduce the waste in the government so that OUR tax dollars don’t pad the pockets of corrupt politicians. He’s the richest man in the world and it must be jealousy to evoke dislike. To think he’s doing this for personal gain and narcissistic tendencies, the best response is, “do you think the people before him we’re looking out for you?”

They Create the Debt

I 100% concede the idea of a DOGE crypto coin is ludicrous. Promoting the work/name and profiting is misaligned. Given that bizarre alignment, if it was discovered that the current national debt of $36 trillion could be reversed by, hmmm I don’t know, not wasting money, would that change your opinion of what’s going on in the government and Elon? That your government takes your money and pays it out to its own knowing it’s stealing from you? We the people, we have to work for our money. We give it to our government with the, hopeful, mutual understanding this is for the betterment of the country. What happens when it’s uncovered by a truth seeker to be the case? What then?

Where Do I Stand?

I had an intro Zoom call with a German I’m looking to do business with and he asked me my opinion on the tariffs. I’m not qualified to speak intelligently on the effect of tariffs. *Gulp*. The higher up you get, the more qualified people are, and this guy wanted to feel out who he was dealing with so I applaud the tactic. What I’ve learned about Europeans is that they don’t understand Americans and how we think. We’re stereotyped as ignorant to the world and it’s not entirely wrong. I was able to use a few points I had read from WSJ articles – posturing, people are anxious / waiting, and it won’t work bringing manufacturing back to the US because wages are too high anyway, we pass it on to the consumer…yada yada. Good enough. Point being that it’s not like I was leaping at the opportunity to express my worldly views because I don’t have them.

There’s a fine line to being able to speak intelligently and being so immersed that you’re ineffective. I want the US to become a country that moves away from debt. Debt is weak. I’m watching the Sopranos again and you never see the person who owes money beating up the mob. The people who think the DOGE effort is ridiculous because the government would never do that. Grow up. The government should be run like a business. I’ve said that a million times in this blog and if the party in power reverses debt, you can bet I’ll take my hat off. It’s more important than most every other topic because it demonstrates efficiency. Power and independence is built on this long practiced principal.