Where Do You Stand?

Where Do You Stand?

*Political Post* For the past 3 months I’ve been getting up between 5:30 and 6am and moving a business. This involved a lot of planning, physically moving, and coordinating so the move went as seamless as possible. It’s a never ending struggle that finally...
A Horse with No Name

A Horse with No Name

My horse’s name was Maui. Chad’s was Blue Callou. The adventure ride was advertised as tame. The horses are old and it’s only 2 hours of walking. 30 minutes into the ride we get this face off. Nikkii says, “why don’t you get a picture...
Thoughts From a Fantastic Wedding Day

Thoughts From a Fantastic Wedding Day

This past Friday, June 21st of 2024, Meghan and I got married. I know some people thought it would never happen. That I couldn’t do it. That you have to have a certain level of intelligence, looks, maturity, and general ability to pull something like this off....
Once in a Lifetime!?

Once in a Lifetime!?

The Sun Sets in the West This photo was shot at the Bar N Ranch in Montana. The sun was setting at 10:39pm and I was 17 beers deep. Aside from dabbling in Photoshop, I know nothing about photography Jon Snow. However, sometimes the horses align with the sun and the...
An Overdue Post

An Overdue Post

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted and it’s not for lack of desire. The past 6 weeks we’ve been preparing to move our business and we are finally situated in the new office. This required many days/weeks of palletizing our inventory,...
BP Oil Spill Recap

BP Oil Spill Recap

I wrote about 500 words of a bachelor party recap post and wasn’t even to the good parts before deciding that it was too long and too boring to literally type out what happened sequence by sequence. So we’re going bullet points for the full weekend baby in...