by Tom Stortz | Jun 28, 2022 | General |
Last Saturday was the first time in my life that I crossed the 80 barrier in golf. I’ve had plenty of rounds in the low 80’s, but I can finally say that I’ve played in the 70’s. Here are the details behind the round that I’d imagine most...
by Sam Stortz | Jun 26, 2022 | General |
The first few weeks of living with Meghan have gone well. One thing that came up early on was getting MATCHING night stands for our bedsides. This is not something that would’ve occured to me, but why not, let’s get matching night stands! We found a deal...
by Tom Stortz | Jun 23, 2022 | General |
I signed up for the TexMex 5k in North Wales a few weeks ago as my first run in years. I went back to to read my old post on the last time I did the race and that was 2017. What’s 5 years worth in seconds per mile? I know the legs aren’t...
by Tom Stortz | Jun 15, 2022 | General |
My workplace has blocked SplittingTens from being accessed so I’m a bit out of luck posting from work until I find the fix. There has been a fair amount of topics that I can write about so I’ll combine all of them into one super post that quick hits....
by Sam Stortz | Jun 14, 2022 | General |
I wrote my first ever Google review today: I’m obviously not THAT torn about this because clearly I wrote the review, but there are two things here. It’s Negative I’ve had literally hundreds of 5/5 experiences at places and I never review them. Only...
by Sam Stortz | Jun 11, 2022 | General |
I’m zagging from the typical hot take that social media is too addictive and ruining minds across the world (though I do believe that’s true). My hot take is that social media is boring, and knowing that you’re the product they’re selling /...
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