It’s the Little Things

It’s the Little Things

I dislike the word “things” because everything can be a thing. You want to be descriptive when you’re describing objects so things is usually the last word to use. As such, it’s the best word for what I’m about to describe. I could have...
Blog Influence

Blog Influence

Gourlay filled in last night for bowling so I was lucky enough to see the kid in action. For someone who doesn’t bowl a ton, he’s consistent and does a decent job picking up spares. With 141 in the 9th frame coming off a spare, he was hoping for a 200. He...
Broad Street 2022 Race Recap

Broad Street 2022 Race Recap

This will be long and boring and is more for myself than the readers. The Race – Mile by Mile Mile 1: 5:32 – I was very intentional in NOT going out to fast. Was happy to see 5:32 as it felt easy.Mile 2: 5:36 – Still intentionally easy.Mile 3: 5:36...
Playing Off the Rocks

Playing Off the Rocks

I carded a 37 on the front nine yesterday. I’m certain that’s the lowest nine I’ve had in my life which is nice to know you can still improve at whatever it is you’re doing at 38. The course was Bella Vista from the white tees. Compared to what...
Pre Broad Street 2022

Pre Broad Street 2022

Tomorrow I’ll be racing the 2022 Broad Street Run. Below is a selfish reflection on the past few months. Not many will read, but writing it was therapeutic in a way. My running the past few years has been mostly down. When I hurt my Achilles in February of 2019,...
Quick Thought on Golf & Bowling

Quick Thought on Golf & Bowling

I left work at 3:50pm yesterday to play golf at my club. I arrived at 4:21 to see the range closed, so I put on my shoes, grabbed my clubs, and went to 10 which was completely open, usually a good sign. I drive one deep to the right, hit a wicked 7 iron through 2...