by Sam Stortz | Apr 28, 2022 | General |
People’s headshots (images, not ‘BOOM HEADSHOT’s) are used in promos all the time. That’s great! But I’m noticing a theme with the promo headshots I see these days – They’re all fucking old. And by fucking old, I actually mean...
by Tom Stortz | Apr 26, 2022 | General |
The buying of Twitter by Musk is like watching the Berlin Wall fall. Current Twitter management knows that they should do what is best for the shareholders, which forces them to sell, and in the process their entire platform is going to be exposed for how they...
by Tom Stortz | Apr 22, 2022 | General |
Is this CMC? I legitimately think this may be the athletic trainer. He’s wearing a sports bra? Is he transitioning? What’s with that stomach flab? This is the one of the best RB’s in the NFL? I’m genuinely confused by this because I’m a...
by Tom Stortz | Apr 20, 2022 | General |
Netflix actually cratered 37%. The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 20, 2022 An Example of the Netflix Content To be fair Arnold Schwarzenegger made Junior. The series below is called “He’s Expecting”....
by Tom Stortz | Apr 19, 2022 | General |
I have a bomb Wesley Snipes post in the works so this is filler. Back when I bought my shower supplies from Sam’s Club, I’d only need 1-2 purchases a year because of the mega sized portions. Great for non-rotting goods. Not great if you need to eat an...
by Sam Stortz | Apr 16, 2022 | General |
Clickbait title! Covy and Melon are fine. But CovyandMelon may not be! When I was younger, Bansheemann7 was my username for everything. It made no sense. Banshee was the name of my first bike, mann was because I was the mann, and 7 was because bansheemann was already...
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