by Sam Stortz | Oct 7, 2021 | General |
If you haven’t noticed, SplittingTens has become a big proponent of Cialis. What are MY thoughts on Cialis? I don’t know, I’ve never needed performance enhancers because I’m not Low T, but I’m empathetic towards those who may need it, and...
by Tom Stortz | Oct 5, 2021 | General |
It’s 5:29pm and I like to leave for bowling at 5:55pm to meet Jordan for a pre-bowl drink. This gives me about 21 minutes to write a post. Since I’m sitting in my underwear after jumping out of the shower and putting a load of laundry in, I’m...
by Tom Stortz | Sep 30, 2021 | General |
Back when I was a kid, the public pool used to sell frozen snickers bars. This was the highlight of my day. My little kid teeth could barely penetrate the rock hard chocolate and frozen chocolate is far superior to melted. Back then, Snickers and Milky Way’s...
by Tom Stortz | Sep 30, 2021 | General |
18 months into a pandemic and the USA hasn’t learned to live with the virus. Sweden never imposed lockdowns and has 14k deaths among 10 million residents since Worldometers started tracking. That’s a death rate of .14% among the entire population and 1.2%...
by Sam Stortz | Sep 30, 2021 | General |
Weens insisted I watched Malignant, a new horror movie on HBO Max. Spoilers below. Here’s the trailer: My Summary Madison witnesses murders as they happen even though she’s not there. After a few murders they begin to connect the dots that the people being...
by Tom Stortz | Sep 27, 2021 | General |
Can you support Black Lives Matter and be Pro-Vaccine at the same time? This is a new dilemma popping up for simple, one sided people. The BLM movement fights for just rights of blacks and Pro-Vaccine people suggest that Covid will continue to dominate our lives until...
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