by Sam Stortz | May 10, 2021 | General |
Five years ago Tom and I were debating about whether “the Process” worked. My argument was: “It got us Ben and Joel! Getting ‘generational’ players was the goal. It worked.” Tom’s argument was: “They haven’t won...
by Tom Stortz | May 5, 2021 | General |
I make it a point to actively stay in touch with CK4 as we are life long friends. He invited me to play in his golf league and I obliged. It’s 9 holes and the lowest score on each hole wins the point. Our last outing was a bloodbath in our favor and I was...
by Sam Stortz | May 3, 2021 | General |
There’s really no point to this post other than to document the worst weekend of golf I’ve ever had. After shooting an honest 105 at Raven’s Claw I thought sub-100 was right around the corner. This weekend may have ended my shot at sub-100 for the...
by Tom Stortz | May 3, 2021 | General |
Being woke is an awareness for societal and racial justice which most people are for. Where the woke line starts to become disruptive is when it undermines principals that the United States was built on such as free speech, democracy, and meritocracy. Is it wrong to...
by Tom Stortz | Apr 29, 2021 | General |
Golf season is upon us and it’s important to have a fresh shirt or two. I own 19 golf shirts which is a lot. When you consider I golf 2-3 times a week for 50 weeks of the year, this means I wear each shirt 5-6 times. I’ve had many for years so they need to...
by Sam Stortz | Apr 26, 2021 | General |
I told my apartment building that I was moving out. They asked… WHY? You tell me, is this list of reasons, in order of most important, good enough? 1. I CAN’T OPEN THE WINDOWS. This is the #1 reason I’m moving. I have two massive windows in my...
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